The story follows Maria, the most powerful witch who lives during the Hundred Years’ War in France. She despises war, so she obstructs battles with her strong magical powers. Her meddling with her succubus Artemis and incubus Priapos has caught the attention of the heavens, and so the Archangel Michael issues an edict. When Maria loses her virginity, she will also lose her magical powers. A beautiful angel named Ezekiel is supposed to watch Maria and make sure the witch does not use magic in front of people, but Maria continues to use magic anyways.

Junketsu no Maria

Type : mkv
Audio : Japanese
Subs : English
Size : 110 MB – 120 MB
Encoder : ace

ZAQ – Philosophy of Dear World
Opening 01 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB
TRUE – ailes
Ending 01 : | | | MC | JB

Episode 01 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB
Episode 02 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB
Episode 03 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB
Episode 04 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB
Episode 05 : | | | MC | JB
Episode 06 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB
Episode 07 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB
Episode 08 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB
Episode 09 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB
Episode 10 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB
Episode 11 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB
Episode 12 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB

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