Serving as a spinoff gag manga of the original Hokuto no Ken series, the story is a parody of Fist of the North Star by Buronson and Tetsuo Hara. It consists of page-long gags centered mainly on Souther, both within his final battle with Kenshiro and inserting himself into other parts of the series where he doesn’t belong. One recurring gag involves the kid with a turban repeatedly stabbing Souther in the leg every time he climbs the pyramid’s staircase, and another involves Rei suddenly transforming into Souther in his iconic moments.

Hokuto no Ken: Ichigo Aji

Type : mkv
Audio : Japanese
Subs : English
Size : 120 MB
Encoder : worster-man

Episode 01 : MF | UC | EU | MC
Episode 02 : MF | UC | EU | MC
Episode 03 : MF | UC | EU | MC
Episode 04 : MF | UC | EU | MC
Episode 05 : MF | UC | EU | MC
Episode 06 : MF | UC | EU | MC
Episode 07 : MF | UC | EU | MC
Episode 08 : MF | UC | EU | MC
Episode 09 : MF | UC | EU | MC
Episode 10 : MF | UC | EU | MC
Episode 11 : MF | EU | MC
Episode 12 : MF | FD | EU | MC

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