Cheonnyeon-yeowoo YeowoobiTeacher Kang takes his students to a school that sits at the base of a hill where Yobi lives, a five tailed fox who can turn into any form. Kang and his students are there to train at a special center for honing their mental abilities. While the students test their courage at night, Yobi encounters the dream-catcher Hwang Geum-yee.

Yobi develops an interest in Geum-yee, and decides to join the students to stay closer to him. Living like a human being is fun, until she comes across the fox hunter. Rescued by a mysterious shadow, Yobi now faces the inevitable – by taking Geum-yee’s spirit that will make her a real human being.

Cheonnyeon-yeowoo Yeowoobi

Type : mkv
Audio : Japanese
Subs : English
Size : 280 MB – 285 MB
Encoder : Shima

Part 1 : Mediafire
Part 2 : Mediafire
Part 3 : Mediafire

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