Binbou Shimai MonogatariThe Yamada sisters, Kyo (15) and Asu (9), are students studying in secondary and primary schools respectively. Their mother has passed away while their father ran away after incurring debts due to gambling. Despite the difficult circumstances, both of them decide to overcome the unhappiness and welcome their days with enthusiasm and pride.

Fortunately, with the change in the law system several years ago, Kyo is able to study and simultaneously, take up temporary jobs (such as distributing newspapers and tutoring) so as to support the family and make ends meet. On the other hand, Asu will take charge of household chores, prepare meals and manage the financials to assist her older sister.

Surrounding them are also good and kind neighbours such as the novelist, Saegusa-san, and the aunt at the public bath who will watch over them. Although life is difficult and at times painful, the sisters are happy to have each other.

Binbou Shimai Monogatari

Type : rmvb
Audio : Japanese
Subs : English
Size : 60 MB – 65 MB
Uploader : believe_me

Episode 01 – 10 : Mediafire

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