Ryuu Yamada is known as a delinquent in his high school; he has been bored of classes after one year of attending school. One day, he accidentally falls from a flight of stairs onto Urara Shiraishi, the ace student of the school. Yamada wakes up to find that he has swapped bodies with her! The two try to reverse the change and discover that kissing triggers the body swap. On the suggestion of student council vice-president Toranosuke Miyamura, they revive the Supernatural Studies Club. The club encounters other “witches” with different powers that are activated with a kiss!

Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo (TV)

Type : mkv
Audio : Japanese
Subs : English
Size : 80 MB – 120 MB
Encoder : shato

WEAVER – Kuchizuke Diamond
Opening 01 : MF | UC | EU | MC
Ending 01 : MF | UC | EU | MC

Episode 01 : MF | UC | EU | MC
Episode 02 : MF | UC | EU | MC
Episode 03 : MF | UC | EU | MC
Episode 04 : MF | UC | EU | MC
Episode 05 : MF | UC | EU | MC
Episode 06 : MF | UC | EU | MC
Episode 07 : MF | UC | EU | MC
Episode 08 : MF | UC | EU | MC
Episode 09 : MF | UC | EU | MC
Episode 10 : MF | UC | EU | MC
Episode 11 : MF | UC | EU | MC
Episode 12 : MF | UC | EU | MC

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