New Yatterman series to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Tatsunoko’s Time Bokan series. A girl is looking at a remote island on the ocean named The Yatter Kingdom, a country that is said to be ruled by the hero Yatterman. The girl wants to ask the Yattermans for some help to cure her sick mother and decides to venture to the kingdom. She gets kicked out from the kingdom though and her mother dies without receiving any help.

Under Dokurobei, the boss of the Dorombo thieves that existed, lies a beauty named Doronjo. The two men, Boyacky and Tonzura, worked under Doronjo but got kicked out from the Yatter Kingdom along with the Doronbo thieves as they lost a fight against the Yatterman. This is the new generation of Dorombo—Doronjo, Boyacky, Tonzura, and new Yatterman a story of the birth of Gan-chan and Ai-chan.

Yoru no Yatterman

Type : mkv
Audio : Japanese
Subs : English
Size : 110 MB – 120 MB
Encoder : shato

SCREEN mode – Kyokugen Dreamer
Opening 01 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB
Sphere – Jounetsu CONTINUE
Ending 01 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB

Episode 01 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB
Episode 02 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB
Episode 03 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB
Episode 04 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB
Episode 05 : | | | MC | JB
Episode 06 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB
Episode 07 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB
Episode 08 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB
Episode 09 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB
Episode 10 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB
Episode 11 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB
Episode 12 : MF | UC | EU | MC | JB

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