To heart 2 ad NextThe first and the second volume will feature Komaki Manaka and Kusakabe Yuuki, respectively. After classes are finished for the day, Takaaki and Manaka are usually found arranging books in the preparation room. The withdrawn Manaka, desiring to convey her unspoken feelings to classmate Takaaki, convinced Takaaki to help her tidy up with the excuse of for the sake of getting used to boys.

Alone together in the preparation room, Manaka finds that she does not become flustered when the two of them practice calling each other by name. Manaka is excited thinking that their love is developing, but at the same time is fearful of messing up in front of Takaaki. One day, during practice, they are seen by Yuuji who tattles to the rest of the class…

To heart 2 ad Next

Type : mkv
Audio : Japanese
Subs : English
Size : 55 MB – 65 MB
Encoder : Usami-Akihiko

OVA 1 – 2 : Mediafire

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