Spring 2023 Archive
The anime series is set in the future when humanity migrated to the Moon due to Earth’s climate change. It will incorporate original elements unique to …
In a world filled with strange yet majestic creatures known as Pokémon, a new adventure begins! Hailing from the pristine region of Paldea, the timid Liko …
Apprentice mage Chise Hatori is invited to enroll at the College, a prestigious learning institution for sorcerers, to examine and look for a way to remove …
It has now been one year since six middle-aged guys with nothing left to lose started this idol group under one rood, with stars in their …
The second season of Gunma-chan, an anime series based on the Gunma Prefecture mascot character, Gunma-chan. Japanese: ぐんまちゃん シーズン2 ======================================= Type : mkv Audio : Japanese …
Mature grade school student Arisu Tachibana is an aspiring idol who receives an invitation from her company president to participate in the Third Entertainment Section a …
Ichirou Kuga has suddenly found himself taking on the responsibility of caring for his two younger siblings after their father’s untimely death. To make ends meet, …
Ever since moving to an in-game world after countless hours of VRMMO grinding, Yuna now calls Crimonia the city where she started home. While maintaining her …
In this magical world, one is easily identified as having magical abilities by a distinctive mark on their face. Those unable to practice magic are swiftly …
Fuuka, a little witch, is training to be a better witch like her mother, a queen of Silver Castle. She is a lively girl and cares …
For more than four hundred years, the Takamimi Shrine has stood in Tokyo, enshrining the local goddess: Elda, a magical elf summoned from another world. The …
For centuries, the Demon Slayer Corps has sacredly kept the location of Swordsmith Village a secret. As the village of the greatest forgers, it provides Demon …
Centuries ago, mankind abandoned planet Earth after the Vice, a race of mechanical aliens, drove them from their home into a life adrift in space. Now …
January 2118. Chief Inspector of the Criminal Investigation Department, Akane Tsunemori, receives a report of an incident on a foreign vessel – the body of Professor …
Sentenced to death, ninja Gabimaru the Hollow finds himself apathetic. After leading a blood-soaked life, Gabimaru believes he deserves to die. However, every attempt to execute …
After surviving a brutal terrorist attack on Plant Quetta, Suletta Mercury returns to dueling at the Asticassia School of Technology, while Miorine Rembran sits at her …