In the year of 20XX, a young boy by the name of Netto Hikari receives a very special gift as he enters the 5th grade. His …
Beast introduces the warring Cybeasts Gregar and Falazar, as well as the Navi Trill. Pitted against the newly-emerged Zoanoroid armies of the Cybeasts, Lan, MegaMan, and …
Hikari Netto and his NetNavi and best friend, Rockman, are back in an all new series. This time, armed with the Synchro Chip which allows them …
Beast+ consists of a string of arcs beginning with the appearance of the Professor and Zero (both from Mega Man Network Transmission). An ex-WWW member, the …
Stream continues the storyline set by Axess by introducing Duo, a being from outer space who seeks to destroy humanity after witnessing the chaos caused by …
The Dematerialization Phenomenon, in which the real world becomes digital, has become a problem and must be resolved immediately. After hearing of this incident, Netto and …