Set six months after the events of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yugi Muto and his friends are in their final year of high school and are talking about what they will do in the future. Meanwhile, Seto Kaiba has commissioned an excavation to retrieve the disassembled Millennium Puzzle from the ruins of the Millennium chamber. The item had previously housed the soul of his rival, Atem, whom he hopes to revive in order to settle their score. The excavation is interrupted by a mysterious man, who faces Kaiba in a game of Duel Monsters and steals two pieces of the recovered Puzzle. What is his ulterior motive? The stakes have never been higher; the rivalries never as fierce; the risks never so great.

Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: The Dark Side of Dimensions

Type : mkv
Audio : Japanese
Subs : English
Size : 700 MB
Encoder : worster-man

The Eden House – To Believe in Something
Ending 01 : MF | MG | MC

Movie : MG | JB | MA

Note : have 2 subtitle & can selected (read menu F.A.Q)

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