A new year arrives as the school festival ends. The season has come as Kaou-kai members leave their jobs after doing their final duties. Each musical team prepares for the final big performance for the year, Graduation Ceremony, to show their gratitude. After Itsuki Ootori left Kaou-kai during the school festival, the ex-Team Ootori is not qualified to participate while they are still students of the music department. In the midst of these events, Yuuta Hoshitani and the others make a decision…

High School Star Musical OVA

Type : mkv
Audio : Japanese
Subs : English
Size : 100 MB
Encoder : worster-man

team Ootori – Yume Iro ~team Ootori ver.~
Opening 01 : MF | MG | MC
team Hiiragi – Yume Iro ~team Hiiragi ver.~
Opening 02 : MF | MG | MC
team Ootori – C☆ngratulations!~team Ootori Ver.~
Ending 01 : MF | MG | MC
team Hiiragi – C☆ngratulations!~team Hiiragi Ver.~
Ending 02 : MF | MG | MC

OVA 1 : MF | MG | MC
OVA 2 : MG | MA

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