In the year L.C. 922, mankind faces an unprecedented crisis. Following the conclusion of a hundred-year war on the mythical world of Tetraheaven, the losing Majins sought a safe haven and invaded the human world Septpia. The government is forced to fight by employing Logicalists belonging to ALCA, a special police that protects the streets from foreigners of another world. Logicalists are given a special power that allows them to enter a trance with Goddesses from the other world.

One day, Yoshichika Tsurugi, a civilian who is lacking “Logic” and lives peacefully with his family, meets the beautiful goddess Athena while helping people escape from a Majin attack. She wields the “Logic” that Yoshichika that should have been lost. This leads Yoshichika to an unexpected destiny with Athena.

Luck & Logic

Type : mkv
Audio : Japanese
Subs : English
Size : 120 MB
Encoder : pitix

Kensho Ono – STORY
Opening 01 : MF | EU | MC
Emi Nitta – Meiyaku no Kanata
Ending 01 : MF | EU | MC

Episode 01 : MF | FD | EU | MC
Episode 02 : MF | FD | EU | MC
Episode 03 : MF | FD | EU | MC
Episode 04 : MF | EU | MC
Episode 05 : MF | EU | MC
Episode 06 : MF | EU | MC
Episode 07 : MF | EU | MC
Episode 08 : MF | EU | MC
Episode 09 : MF | EU | MC
Episode 10 : MF | EU | MC
Episode 11 : MF | EU | MC
Episode 12 : MF | EU | MC

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